Discourses And Literacies By James Paul Gee

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Essay #2 Rough Draft Public Education: essentially the epitome of an average American’s first eighteen years of their life. Full of classes they are either forced to take, or classes they finally get to choose because of personal interests, all of these courses boil down to the two important concepts of reading and writing; the thing our kindergarten teachers were so focused on with us. They had good reason for it however, because think what were to happen if you were to go through middle or high school without these skills, or even into adulthood? Adults that lack this skill also lack serious social abilities, and to bring it to an even worse problem, how are they to teach their children to read and write? So what can be done to improve this ability, so children don’t struggle with an ability that some of us come to expect as a social norm, and even help them throughout schooling? The introduction of Discourses into education. With the proper understanding and application of Discourses, we as a society can change and grow the …show more content…

To do so, we will use James Paul Gee and his work Discourses and Literacies. Discourses, as described by Gee, is “... a socially accepted association among ways of using language and other symbolic expressions, of thinking, feeling, believing, valuing, and acting, as well as using various tools, technologies, or props that can be used to identify oneself as a member of a socially meaningful group or ‘social network’ to signal (that one is playing) a socially meaningful ‘role,’ or to signal that one is filling a social niche in a distinctly recognizable fashion.” (Discourses and Literacies, 161) Gee gives such direct examples of Discourses as “... a certain type of doctor, lawyer, teacher, African-American, worker in a “quality control” environment, man, woman, boyfriend, girlfriend, …” (Discourses and Literacies,

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