Disappearing honey bees

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Beekeepers in the U.S. and Europe have been noticing that their bees are disappearing. When the bees go to pollinate, as usual, they do not return and are never seen again. This is very bad because of how important the bees are to our environment, they pollinate our plants. Some may say that this lacks significant importance but, without bees to pollinate, plants can not produce fruits, nuts or vegetables. Many things have been said to have caused this decline in bee population, such as, C.C.D., G.M.O., Radiation, Global Climate changes, Pesticides, and Invasive species. This is what I have found on the topic. Some researchers have said that pesticides and parasites have been to blame for the bees disappearing. Dr. Richard Gill and his team performed a study on this theory, the results were "nothing short of shocking". At the University of London, they found that two pesticides were to blame, after testing hundreds, Neonicotoid and Pyrethroid seem to be killing the bees. The study concluded that on their own, Neonicotoid and Pyrethroid are harmless to the bees, howe...

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