Disadvantages and Advantages of Encryption

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Everyday information gets into the wrong hands. This can lead up to millions of dollars lost for a company and its reputation in this global environment. It only by knowing the different encryption methods you hope to protect your reputation and assets. I will discuss a possible solution to protect your information and explain the advantages and disadvantages of asymmetric or symmetric keys.

Everyone is worried about data protection these days; especially big companies. Furthermore, by not having good data protection companies can get their reputations cripple or cease to exist in the global economy. A lot of big organizations relay on data encryption to protect their client information or sensitive information from rivals. The two big names in that encryption process are Asymmetric and Symmetric. Asymmetric and Symmetric both have their disadvantages and advantages.
Asymmetric is known as public key encryption. This method of encrypting messages makes use a public key and a private key. The public key is made publicly available and is used to encrypt messages by anyone who wishes to send a message to the person that the key belongs to. The private key is kept secret and is used to decrypt received messages (Arthur Conklin, 2010). There are some praiseworthy advantages of asymmetric encrypting. The first advantage is it convince. Everyone key is made public and the private keys are kept secret which individual will use to decrypt. The second advantage is that it allows for message authentication. The public key that person creates allows the use of a digital signature. This permits the recipient of a message to verify that the message is truly from the person who signed sent the information. Third it has detection of being alte...

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...and not the others. Also with the communication between the two entities it will be easier because of the duality. It will make keep track of keys easier and you don’t have to rely on third party. If you do not adapt any of his method you will be left out you will be left behind in this global environment.

Works Cited

Arthur Conklin, G. W. (2010). Principles of Computer Security: CompTia Security+ and Beyond. Burr Ridge, Illinois: McGraw-Hill.
M.D., D. C. (2011, January 12). Advantages and Disadvantages of Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Encryption Methods. Retrieved from Yahoo Vocies: http://voices.yahoo.com/comparing-symmetric-asymmetric-key-encryption-6329400.html?cat=15
Solomon Poretsky; Demand Media. (2010, March 2). Advantages & Disadvantages of Symmetric Key Encryption. Retrieved from Opposing Views: http://science.opposingviews.com/advantages-disadvantages

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