Disadvantages Of Boarding School

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High school is an integral period in the development of students, especially for the preparation of the student’s future where they are forced to join the real world. There are many different paths to choose from when deciding what type of environment would be most beneficial for each individual student. A few of these paths would include public, home, and boarding school. However, high school students who have the opportunity to attend a boarding school benefit greater during the high school years, compared to those who don’t have the boarding experience until college. The discipline received, while at boarding school, aides in the child’s ability to handle stressful situations, instills the desire to gain a higher education, and provides …show more content…

However, while attending a boarding school the student’s mentors consist of trained professionals that are more than capable to handle any situation that may arise. With this guidance students acquire the discipline and knowledge needed to handle stressful situations that are almost guaranteed to come throughout ones life. In a pole taken by The Association of Boarding Schools, “70% of boarding school students say that boarding school has helped them develop self-discipline, maturity, [and] independence…” This is not to aide the stereotype that only troubled children are sent to boarding programs, in fact in the same study 95% of boarding school students say their social lives do not revolve around drugs and alcohol compared to noticeable difference in public school students (Boarding School Admission Fair). This shows the quality of life to be expected in the boarding environment outside of …show more content…

Inputting “boarding school extra curricular activities” into a search engine would yield a plethora of extracurricular choices and perhaps a few unrecognized, such as the “Walk About” program at the Baylor School in Chattanooga Tennessee. This after school activity takes a group a students on various activities such as paddle boarding, rock climbing, or kayaking (baylorschool.org). With such a vast array of paths, it is near impossible for someone to not find an activity they can become completely immersed

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