Different Perspectives of Hamlet

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In the Play of “Hamlet” Written by William Shakespeare, Hamlet is exposed to false relationships within his family, and has no one to rely on. Hamlet has become so caught up on seeking revenge that he has forgotten how to think accordingly and problem solve. His plans are unaccomplished but he remains with hope. He has multiple issues and many obstacles to overcome in order to succeed. Hamlets main objective to seek revenge is interrupted by love and annexed by tragedy.
Hamlet has lost all admiration to both his mother Gertrude and his uncle Claudius due to his father’s death. The reader is aware of the type of relationship Hamlet has with others through the use of sarcasm. Throughout the story, the reader is hinted Hamlet’s true feelings about the situation. As Hamlet is speaking to both Gertrude and Claudius he states “A little more than kin and less than kind.” Hamlet is referring to the ties within his family. He is bewildered at the fact his mother married the old king’s cousin, Claudius. It was the short time span between King Hamlet’s death and her remarriage that negatively affected Hamlet. Gertrude’s lack of interest towards her husband’s death made her look foolish and lost respect from Hamlet. Hamlet was the only person categorically mourning his father. Hamlet’s rancorous fashion plays a role in his sarcasm as it projects an immature attitude much like an unsatisfied child. Not only is his anger set on Gertrude and Claudius but also on the innocent Horatio. When Hamlet speaks to Horatio he states “Thrift, thrift Horatio. The Funeral bak’d meats did coldy furnish fourth the marriage tables.” Hamlet believes that Horatio is not on his side but rather the contrary side. Hamlet makes this sarcastic comment, to make Horati...

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...procrastination can lead to his failure to murder Claudius. As the astute man he is, he must speed up the process of the revenge or they will murder him before he has a chance to react.
Hamlet’s main objective of seeking revenge was interrupted by love and destroyed by tragedy. Hamlet was portrayed as astute and wise through the use of sarcasm. His procrastination on seeking revenge was delayed, and never accomplished. His self depreciation and indecisiveness was the main reason why he did not accomplish his goals. Hamlets objective to seek revenge is misguided by love and annexed by tragedy. Hamlets procrastination and indecisiveness led to his failure to satisfy his revenge. His self depreciation made him feel less worthy and led him to take suicide into consideration. Although Hamlet struggled through all these obstacles he accomplished his objective with valor.

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