Differences Between The Hobbit Book And Movie

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It is not uncommon for movies to take some creative license when adapting a novel for a cinematic film. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien is a story about the antics of a hobbit and his dwarven companions. Peter Jackson, a famous director, took this book and turned it into a three-part movie series. As The Hobbit, is a relatively short book, it is not a stretch to assume Jackson made some changes to the films. After viewing The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, and The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, it is clear to see the differences between the book and the movie.

One of the first of such notable differences that has an impact on the story is that of the order in which the Dwarves arrive to Bilbo’s house. …show more content…

on their way down the river. This scene was mainly added in for dramatic effect and to make the action even further incessant, but there are other effects because the movie adds another female character. Something not at all present in the books. Although it may seem like it briefly, this female character is not really a boon to feminists at all, since her main function is as a love interest to one of the Dwarves. No more on this here though, the implications of race and gender in The Hobbit is a whole separate essay.

Smaug in the book does not awaken at Bilbo 's first visit, probably for the sake of time the books and movies differ in the way that Bilbo encounters the dragon. The movie really fleshes out why the book said it was difficult to communicate with a dragon, by giving Smaug hypnotic abilities. Smaug in the movie predicts Thorin 's fall to greed, which doesn 't happen to nearly the same extent in the book. In the movies Thorin is portrayed as aggressively trying to reclaim leadership and losing his mind in the presence of so much gold, and especially making foolish decisions for the

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