Differences Between Tang Empire And Roman Empire

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Two great empires from Early Civilizations had different ways to go about about expanding and maintaining their Empires. The Tang Dynasty became a great empire the most powerful and influential of its time any place in the world. The Roman Empire is seen as the greatest civilization of the past. (Morley, 2010) Both The Roman Empire and Tang Dynasty had different approaches to expanding and maintaining their Empires. The Romans used the conquered approach and took over places, while the Tang Dynasty recruited others that had surrendered to them. Their gender roles were different as well, the Tang Dynasty was more for woman, whereas the Roman Empire was known as a man’s world. The Roman Empire and The Tang dynasty had to endure both a rise and …show more content…

In ancient Rome men held all the power in the family, politics, and in society, because of this Ancient Rome was considered a man’s world. The oldest living male had rule over the household. Sons were also important because continuing the family name was very valuable. Woman married as teenagers and were usually much younger than their husband. During the roman empire woman were considered an image of their husband and were expected to behave a certain way. Woman were valued based on their spouses. Though there were still limits some woman were allowed more freedom than others. (PBS website) The work that the woman did depended on their social status as well as their financial status. Female slaves were very common during this time whereas business owners, doctors and midwives were rare. During the first century AD woman started to have much more freedoms. The Roman Empire depended greatly on religion. During that time religion was considered to be a force that bound families together. Romans believed highly in gods and each god had an image. The first century AD began the rise of Christianity, some Cristian’s in Rome suffered persecution, their ideas never died and Christianity eventually conquered …show more content…

The Tang Dynasty the most powerful and influential of its time, and The romans considered to be the greatest civilization of the past. As explained above each civilization had a different approach to how they went about running their empire, sometimes it worked out in their favor, and sometimes it didn’t. In any civilization even now in the twenty-first century, there will always be a rise and there will always be a fall. It’s how you surpass your difficulties and strive on to help climb, expand and maintain your civilization that determines your

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