Differences Between Massachusetts And Connecticut

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The colonists that traveled to America came for many reasons. Once the colonies were established, economic, political, and religious systems were implemented. The Puritan and New England colonies, Massachusetts and Connecticut, had some similarities and differences.

The colonies, Massachusetts and Connecticut, had many similarities, which made them live similar lives. Massachusetts and Connecticut were both Puritan, but they had different ways of following their religion. Both Massachusetts and Connecticut did not grow tobacco because they did not have a slave trade and enough suitable land to grow it. The two colonies were both democratic. So, they were both self-governing and had an elected assembly. Also, the Puritan colonies both got charters from the king of …show more content…

First of all, they both were Puritan, but the founder of Connecticut, Thomas Hooker, did not agree with the laws and leadership in Massachusetts. So, when he got the opportunity, he convinced his family and about 100 other Massachusetts colonists to move to a fertile valley along a river to the west of Massachusetts. The second difference between Massachusetts and Connecticut connects with the first difference. John Winthrop, the founder of Massachusetts made strict laws about religion, such as, you could only be Puritan, or you were punished severely. However, Connecticut laws stated that, you could still be accepted in Connecticut if you were not Puritan. So, Connecticut copied Massachusetts’ religious practices, but when it came to non-Puritan colonists, they were less strict about acceptance. Another difference was how hard it was for the colonies to be successful. Massachusetts had to rely on the local Indians to get through the first winter, while the Connecticut colonists were already there, because they came from Massachusetts. As you can see, Massachusetts and Connecticut had some differences that altered the colonies’ way of

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