Differences Between Marx And Engels

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1. How did the development of modern societies through the division of labor lead to various forms of ownership, and what are some examples Marx and Engels give of the various stages of ownership? a. As the modern societies developed, the division of labor created a separation of powers. According to Marx, there is a division into the upper class and the lower class. The upper class, or dominate class maintains and expresses the ideals of the dominant ruling class. While the lower class, or working members are passive within society. By creating this power differential, ownership is possessed by the ruling class. However, when conflict arises, the revolutionary class which represents the majority of society will overthrow the ruling class at that time, thus taking their place and presenting their own dominate ideals. So in short there is an upper class and lower class, until the lower class realizes the ongoing conflict between classes causing a revolution and this continues on throughout history. 2. What do Marx and Engels mean when they write: “The social structure and the State are continually evolving out of the life process of definite individuals, but of individuals, not as they may appear in their own or other people’s imaginations, but as they really are … ”? a. …show more content…

Marx vison of the division of labor consists of this struggle between classes. That all of the ideas that we use as our own are really originated by the upper class to sustain and uphold their power over the lower class. The ideas of the ruling class are used simply to justify their procession of material stuff while you have nothing. Durkheim’s primary view of the division of labor was that of interdependence and social solidarity. I feel that both are generally convincing, but Marx makes a better argument. It is clear to see there has and will most likely always be class struggle. Our society is made up of hierarchical ladders, someone will always think they are better and need to be in

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