Differences Between Enlightenment And The Great Awakening

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War is disgusting. It is a casualty that brings death, destruction, barbarous annihilation, disease, famine, starvation and misery amongst hundreds to thousands of people. No country wants something so abominable to occur to them however, wars have happened countless times throughout history. It is due to the fact that disputes and disagreements arise amongst two or more different parties, resulting in war being inevitable. In respects to the American Revolution, America reached a breaking point with the British Empire that eventually developed into the American Revolutionary War. Eventually, once America received its own identity, conflict and disagreements occurred over the Northern and Southern states in regards to slavery, emerging into …show more content…

Things started to pick up pace in regards to the new founded country evolving where by the early 1700’s, the population had increased to the point where it became an issue of where people will begin to live. This was known as the American Evolution where eventually, ideological change went about in the country during the late 17th and early 18th centuries: The Enlightenment and the Great Awakening. At this point in American history, American colonists and the British Empire had drifted apart and contained two opposing views on how to live life, which eventually lead to the American …show more content…

These goods are what keeps a country running, keeps the money flowing, and helps civilians exporting the goods have a great income. However, when human beings facing treacherous, hazardous, and inhumane hard labor are producing the goods being exported, it makes the country rethink its decision on whether or not the economy is more important than a human life. Slavery was the act of barbarism that occurred in the United States of America during a number of years but worse in the 19th century. American colonists at the time went to Africa to bring African Americans to the new world in order to work in these plantations under absolutely bestial conditions. The Northern half of the United States sympathized towards the slaves and wanted nothing more than freedom for them while the Southern states wanted to keep the slaves working. These opposing viewpoints made the country split in two and lead to a brutal turning point in American history – the Civil War. The major cause of the Civil War was slavery and attempts of its abolition triggered Southern states to protect their economic interests and traditional social order. The nation divided into two, the Northern States were now the Union States and the Southern States were the Confederate States. The first major battle of the war took place on April of 1862 in Shiloh, Tennessee. The bloody Battle of Shiloh occurred between the Union and Confederacy,

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