Differences Between American Colonies And New England Colonies

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Representative government: This is a form of government where people elect the people that will represent them in government. People do not directly vote on the laws, but these elected officials will later meet to discuss and make laws.

Democracy: A type of government where people choose their leaders by voting for their representatives. It is considered government by the people.

Constitution: A written system of laws that a nation or state follows. It states the powers of the government and the rights of the people.

Religious freedom: This right is part of the First Amendment in the Constitution. You have the right to choose your religion and no one can stop you.

Legislature: A group of elected officials that make or change the laws. They can control the laws in either a country or state.

Town meeting: A time when taxpayers or residents organize the legislature of their town. These meetings usually occur once a year.

Parliament: The legislature that is established in Great Britain. It is a meeting of the representatives of the nation or the people.

New England Colonies vs Southern Colonies
The New England colonies and the Sothern colonies had many different characteristics. One of the main differences between the colonies, was the way that the …show more content…

At first the Indians acted very aggressive towards the colonists because of their past experiences with the Spanish explorers. They attacked one of the English ships before it could even reach their land. The Indians eventually took pity on the colonists and began to offer food and perform traditional Indian hospitality. The English failed to plant crops and perform work that was necessary to run their colony, so they became dependent on the Indians to provide them food. Powhatan, the leader of many tribes around the Chesapeake Bay, soon became angry because the English did not return his

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