Differences And Similarities Between The Parthenon And The Pantheon

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The Parthenon and the pantheon The Parthenon is a good example for the Greek architecture, the pantheon is a good example for the Roman's magnificent civilization. Roman architecture hired itself from the Greek architecture. The Parthenon and pantheon are two monuments which demonstrate the differences between both civilizations; the Greek civilization and roman civilization. These two temples are good example to show the differences and similarities between the ancient Greek civilization and the ancient Roman civilization in many ways and in different similarities and differences.

The Parthenon and the pantheon although they have nearly the same name and they are two temples that were built in Europe but the two temples are built in different …show more content…

the Parthenon used marble and with a lime stone base, while during building the pantheon they used the variety of materials such as brick, marble and granite. So the pantheon used several materials much more than the Parthenon. The Parthenon furnishings were simple. Both of the temples were classical temples and both architectures used techniques to give the impression of peace and perfection. The technology of building differ from pantheon to the pantheon that the Parthenon was built by arch technology while Parthenon was built by post and lintel technology. Bronze is used in both of the two temples. (athanasiosk, 2009)

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Finally, the Parthenon and the Pantheon are both a remarkable structures in both Greek and Roman civilization, the two temples have many notable differences and similarities that show the connection between the two civilization; the Greek civilization and the Roman civilization. The similarities and differences between the two temples also show that any civilization borrows some characteristics from the earlier civilization and know their faults and try not to make it in their buildings and in many other fields not only in the architectural

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