Dietrich Bonhoeffer Research Paper

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a man of love, faithfulness, and integrity was alive during World War II. He was a Gentile who stood up for the Jewish people and others who suffered horribly under Nazi rule. His life has been described in a few simple words: “pastor, prophet, spy, and martyr.” Dietrich loved God, the church, and truth. He was willing to give everything, even his life in order to protect these important rights. On February 4, 1906, Dietrich and his twin sister Sabine were born in Breslau, Germany. He was the sixth of eight children. Paula and Karl Bonhoeffer were Dietrich’s proud parents. These eight kids grew up in a great home full of love and kindness. Music was a passion in the heart of Bonhoeffer from a very young age. Bonhoeffer also enjoyed reading classics from western literature as a boy. He would read books that were written by Homer and Plato, Chaucer and Plutarch, and Goethe and Schiller.When he was a young child, he was homeschooled. When he was a little older, he was taught at a grammar school. For high school he attended the Grunewald high school. As a young m...

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