Did The American Revolution Change Society?

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Did the American Revolution Change Society? America. The four syllabled word that comes out of everyone’s mouths. You hear it on your local TV, read it in the newspaper, or online. It is the nation that defines change for the betterment of the people. The nation that has evolved to what it is now. The history of America is filled with triumph, hardship and independence. This nation is what it is due to the American Revolution. We gained our independence from Britain and we were able to run the government our own way. We rebuilt a new nation but did we make a better government? The American revolution has its controversy. There still was inequality even after the revolution. Though, It helped revolutionary leaders become richer, …show more content…

They lived along the Patriots and they were sometimes were harassed for being loyalist. Many of them rich, fled after the revolution. “They left behind large estates and vacated important positions of social and economic leadership. Even some who remained in the country saw their property confiscated and their positions forfeited. The result was new opportunities for Patriots to acquire land and influence, a situation that produced significant social changes in many communities” (Textbook 147). This really defined that some Loyalist weren't necessary loyal to their country but they had to take their chance because they could prosper in the American society. They fled to what is now Canada. If many of them had stayed, some would have stayed as Loyalists or some would have changed their minds. The Patriots were able to seize these lands for them and make massive amounts of money. “It was distributed in such a way as to give a double opportunity to the Revolutionary leaders: to enrich themselves and their friends, and to parcel out some land to small farmers to create a broad base of support for the new government. Indeed, this became characteristic of the new nation: finding itself possessed of enormous wealth, it could create the richest ruling class in history,” (Zinn 84). The Patriots were hungry for whatever wealth they could find. Sure some of them did give some land to the …show more content…

Many brought up from Africa were forced to work on plantations. During the Revolution, many slaves wanted to help fight in the war, so in return they would get freedom, but “With blacks slaves 25 percent of the population (and in some counties 50 percent), fear of slave revolts grew. George Washington had turned down request of blacks, seeking freedom, to fight in the Revolutionary army” (Zinn 82). Still many did fight in the revolutions. Many blacks fought on both sides, but many used this way to escape. The abolishment for slavery was brought up a few times in history. “the combinations of blacks in the military, the lack of powerful economic need for slaves and the rhetoric of Revolution led to the end of slavery-but very slowly. As late as 1810, thirty thousand slaves, one-fourth of the black population in the north remained slaves” (Zinn 88). This shows the start of freeing slaves. After their given freedom, blacks wanted to abolish slavery and they began to speak up. Some people petitioned to get money for education for their children. Many of them emerged and began to help society like Benjamin

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