Did Rosa Parks Make A Difference

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Many times in life you find that people wait for other people, people watch other people, thousands of people everyday attempt to stand up to injustices. We have been told that as a single person, we can not make a difference. So people wait timidly for a group of people to stand up, for them to soon follow. Rosa Parks lived as a minority her whole life, she was told that she was not the right color, not the right size, or not of the right descent. This only motivated her more to be the person she was. She became tired of the harsh racism, and disbelief of her capabilities not only as a woman but also as an African American. Although many people believe that one person alone can not make a difference, Rosa Parks proved that she could take a stand and make a difference by herself. From the beginning of her life Rosa knew the way black people were being treated was wrong, and she was going to take a stand. She was born on February 4, 1913 in Tuskegee, Alabama. Rosa’s mother, Leona Edwards, was a teacher, and her father, James McCawley, was a carpenter and a builder, he traveled building homes. Leona was not thrilled about having Rosa, because she could no longer teach during the pregnancy, her mother …show more content…

Leona and Rosa stayed with Leona's first cousin, cousin Lelar and his wife Saphonia (Haskins, 1992). They had three children, one of them was a newborn baby (Haskins, 1992). Rosa was going to school at Alabama State Normal while her mother was going, she was being taught by student teachers (Haskins, 1992). Alabama normal was way bigger than her other school, it consisted of one big brick building and four other slightly smaller buildings (Haskins, 1992). Rosa learned when she went back to Pine Level that they stopped having school at Mount Zion, her mother now taught at a Church in Spring Hills eight miles away (Haskins, 1992). Rosa walked to school everyday, because her education was very important to

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