Did Odysseus Kill The Suitors

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In life people can get so upset; they punish by death. In The Odyssey, Odysseus should kill the suitors. The suitors betrayed Odysseus, leading themselves to their own death bed. Odysseus should put the suitors to death due to the following: The suitors took his house, his maids, begged his wife for marriage, and tried to kill his son. Odysseus killed the suitors because it was only right for them to be punished.

Odysseus had the right right to kill the suitors. They disrespected his house. The suitors tried to force marriage among Odysseus's wife. They took over all of what he belonged. The men deserved to be killed for destroying and claiming Odysseus's property.

Odysseus had been away from Ithaca for quit sometime. During the time he was gone, Penelope suitors took over. Odysseus returned with revenge. It was to his extincts that they should be killed. Telemachus, the swine herd, and the cow herd helped Odysseus punish the suitors by death. The suitors were punished for …show more content…

It was their choice to trespass Odysseus's land. They took it it upon themselves to take over what was his. They went for his wife, whom he loved dearly. He showed the suitors that they had crossed a permanent line.

Killing someone is not the proper punishment. Odysseus shouldn't have killed the suitors. He felt that they should be punished, but they shouldn't have been punished by death. Murder is a sin. Odysseus was in the wrong for handling the problem in that manner, there are other solutions to punishment.

Penelope suitors shouldn't have expected to get away with taking over Odysseus's land. Odysseus was gone, and he returned to the suitors taking over his home. Odysseus killed the suitors to get them out of his house. The suitors made Odysseus angry, and he felt for them to be killed. Odysseus punished the men harshly for taking what was his and turning it in to theirs. Over all, Odysseus and his family had a good

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