Did Keynes Save Capitalism

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Question 1: Did Keynes save capitalism or destroy it? What was C. Wright Mills’s criticism of Keynes’s new economic order and how did this influence future criticism?

John Maynard Keynes was a British economist; his famous concept known as Keynesian economic which fundamentally influenced the theory and practice of modern macroeconomics and economic policy of government. Moreover, after WWI and WWII, he played a vital role in the economic settlement. For the question that did Keynes save or destroy capitalism, the answer will be based on both ways. From my perspective he contributed numerous significant changes that enhanced capitalism. However, the new structure that he developed also destroyed the initial purposes and roles of capitalism, which are Keynes’ aim. For this reason, in this essay I will discuss why Keynes idea saved capitalism and the reasons why the things he did destructed the system as well. Keynes was a celebrity before he became one of the most respected economists of the century. In the 1930s, Keynes became the spearhead of a revolution in economic thinking, challenging the ideas of neoclassical economics. He was the main reason why he rescued the capitalism as he had his main intention to restructure capitalism “He want to save it and, and humanise it," and the reasons that he did such an …show more content…

As a consequence, it makes people feel that if they do not fit themselves in the system, they may lose their benefit. In Mill’s opinion, Keynesian economics emphasises independence for people in economy. Nevertheless, this necessitates dependence in the social arena, which results in neo-liberal bigness. Moreover, these people are misled; they lost their freedom and self consciousness in the bigness. Mills categorised freedom into four dissimilar ideas; however, there are some concepts that conflict with one

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