Did Japan Benefit Economically as a result of the World Cup 2002?

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Has Japan really benefitted economically as a result of the World

Cup 2002?



From the 31st of May until June 30th, Japan & Korea hosted the World

Cup in which 32 teams competed to be crowned football champions of the

world. Many thousands of people watched the matches live and hundreds

of millions worldwide watched on T.V. The World Cup has been the most

popular sporting event ever since the 1930s when Uruguay hosted and

won the first ever World Cup. Since then the World Cup has been hosted

every four year in different countries apart from during World War 2

and there have been 17 World Cups. Since the 30s football has became

the world's most popular sport and with the introduction of commercial

air flight, motorcars and the global T.V network it has become an

important source of revenue. In 1994 the World Cup was hosted in the

USA and a record 3,587,530 people watched it live. Since the 1986

World Cup held in Mexico the total attendance had begun to rise to

over 2 million live viewers a World Cup. This would result in host

countries gaining massive revenue from ticket sales and money received

from the T.V companies broadcasting the match. The rights for

broadcasting the 2002 World Cup were bought for £622 million by

Kirchmedia showing just how valuable World Cup football is. Also a

study by HSBC securities in 1998 showed that countries which hosted

the World Cup after 1966 saw their respective stock markets do better

on average by 9%, 6 months prior to the tournament. However the study

also showed that 6 months after the tournament most markets under

performed by an average of 6%.

In 1998 Japan was chosen to joint host the World Cup with South Korea

and began a vigorous development project to upgrade and build good

quality stadiums, improve public transport, build more hotels and

create an excellent security force for the games. Stadiums such as the

Shizuoka stadium, Sapporo dome, the Oita stadium and Niigata stadium

were built just for the games and are considered some of the most

modern stadiums in the world. Japan's aim from the 2002 World Cup was

to attract many tourists, have a smoothly run games, encourage

Japanese citizens into football and to improve its international

reputation as an excellent place to host international sports events.

From joint hosting the World Cup Japan achieved many economic benefits

and in this essay I will explain how and why this improved Japan's

economy. The Japanese economy improved because of the following

effects of the World Cup during and before the event.

Economic Concepts


Economic growth is caused by improvements in the quantity and quality

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