Dictatorship Vs Representative Democracy

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“ Is democracy the best type of government system” Essay

Representative democracy is a better government system then a dictatorship. First, Democracies have more rights than dictatorships. In a democracy people have “ freedom of speech, freedom of the press and religion”. Second, dictatorships people don't have all those rights ( Comparing Government : democracy vs. authoritarianism). In a democracy people can vote for who is best fit for the job they are running for. Third, dictatorships “ The group is military officials or a small- group of aristocratic families”( Comparing government democracy vs. authoritarian). In democracy people don't have to be rich or poor they just have to have good credentials. Representative democracy is better than a dictatorship for many reasons. …show more content…

First, totalitarianism only runs on fear and repression. But in a democracy people make their own choices and they don't run on fear and people are happy ( Types of political system). Second, In a totalitarianism they want to control all their population ( Types of political systems). But in a representative democracy you can make your own choices and you have freedom in a representative democracy. Third, in a representative democracy the power is limited and not unlimited. In a dictatorship the power is not split so that the president or any other branch of government can’t overpower the other. But a dictator make all the rules and no one has any power especially the people. In a dictatorship no one can make changes except the dictator but in a representative democracy each branch has a job and they have equal power event the president has limited

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