Diane's Story Analysis

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After reading Diane’s story I can say I have never been more shocked and surprised by a book than this one. Just by being told that this was Diane Guerrero’s story and from me knowing she was an actress I thought it would be your basic coming to fame story. I was completely wrong in every single way. It really goes to show that there’s always more to the person you see on-screen and that they started off a normal human being who has lived through their fair share of struggles. From the first page I was hooked. I had never read a book about someone who had their parents taken away, let alone deported to their home country. I was completely shocked that Diane was being so open with such a heartbreaking experience and that she put her all into …show more content…

It shows that you don’t need to come from a wealthy family or have to have everything to accomplish a lot. There are people like Diane who lived in pretty bad neighborhoods who want to become more than a stereotype. They want to do something with their life and find something that they are passionate about. I think if they read this book they’d see that anything is possible. Not only was this book very inspirational but it’s very relatable in many aspects. I related to it on a very close level. Much of my family came from Mexico seeking a better life in America and did experience many of the things Diane’s parents had to go through. Being paid low wages for jobs nobody wanted and working hard to give their children the best life that they could possibly give them. Much of the things Diane experienced through her adult life is very relatable too. Having to work jobs you don’t like to make money, finding what you really want to do, and for some, even the depression and contemplating suicide. Her story is so real that I think every should know about this. It can help anyone out too and show that they aren’t the only ones going through what they’re going

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