Diabetes Persuasive Speech

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How to Cure Diabetes Naturally

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Today, I will take you to the very basic of living and gradually show you the way to cure your life threatening and debilitating disease: DIABETES
Like in all diseases the fundamental of the process of disease include disruption of the natural process. Before you jump to the conclusion that diabetes is a non-curable disease, take a moment and think again. If the fundamental process of disease is the same why is there a cure for other disease and not for diabetes. Or is it that we are made to think that way so that someone is benefited from the way we think?
So the Question now is:
To fight disease you need energy and to gain energy you need follow …show more content…

Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic Exercise is critical to your health. This is because Aerobic Exercise relates to your body’s ability to carry oxygen.
Training yourself aerobically does wonders for your heart, it helps you eat better, digest better, circulate nutrients better, eliminate waste better, it makes your lungs operate more efficiently, your blood vessels become enlarged, and your blood supply increases. It helps you sleep better. In fact, exercising aerobically stimulates your entire system.
A diminished blood supply causes cells to weaken, because less oxygen flows to your cells. But if you train in a gentle, comfortable, aerobic fashion for a period of 6-9 weeks, you can increase our blood supply massively!
When you increase your aerobic capacity, you will have a lot more energy, because you will have a lot more oxygen available!
You MUST exercise aerobically so that you have enough blood to keep every cell in your body completely vital and …show more content…

The Western diet is the #1 cause of all chronic disease. Indeed, 90% of all chronic disease in humans is caused by nutritional imbalances and deficiencies: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, strokes, etc.
Do you want to feel ‘alive’? – Then eat living foods. Water-rich LIVE foods, containing minerals and vitamins (fruits, vegetables).
People that are incredibly vibrant and healthy, I can assure you, are not leading a devitalized life. You cannot ingest dead substances without your body requiring immense amounts of energy to convert it and reconvert it.
It takes a lot less energy when your food is ‘live’ because the body can use it immediately.
And it is more cleansing to the system, too! Most food we eat nowadays is incredibly clogging!
Your body, by the way, can make much better use of living vitamins rather than the synthetic chemicals from random off-the-shelf vitamin

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