Dexter Morgan Heroes

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What does Dexter Morgan from Dexter, Walter White from Breaking Bad, and John Kramer from Saw all have in common? Based off of the personality types portrayed, these men can be considered anti-heroes. An Anti-hero can be described as the opposite of the average archetypal hero. A hero is commonly depicted as a handsome, confident, a sympathetic person, while an anti-hero is portrayed as a flawed and immoral. An anti-hero also possess some traits to that of a villain. Although the two archetypes differ, the two share a common goal of fighting for justice and the common good. The difference is that an anti-heroes concern for seeking justice is slightly skewed. They follow the belief that if the goal is morally good, then the immoral act can be …show more content…

He lives a double life as a vigilante-serial killer type killing criminals guilty of heinous crime such as rape and murder, and are free from consequences of their actions. Dexter follows a strict code known as the code of Harry created by his father. These codes prevent Dexter from killing those that aren’t deserving. Producer Cerone uses Dexter's past to create a way for a viewer to become emotionally invested in the main character. Kayla Upadhyaya, a columnist for Michigan Daily (2013), believes that creators of shows like Dexter commonly force the character to push the envelope for their villainous ways and then creating a moment where the character switches to a more vulnerable and compassionate state. These states of vulnerability and compassion makes it easier for one to sympathize with Dexter. An example would be that in the first season, viewers learn that not only did Dexter witness his mother’s murder when he was very young, but he was stuck at the scene for many days before he was found. This emotional and traumatic moment not receives pity from viewers, but it shows what exactly may be a cause for Dexter’s character. Dexter eventually grows into man fascinated with blood and the urge to kill. With this code of Harry Morgan finds solace through the merciless killing of criminals. Even …show more content…

This method is referring to the "ends justifies the means" motto. This motto means that any immoral action can be justified as long as the end result is morally acceptable. For example, in Saw, one of Jigsaws' victims is Dr. Lawrence. Lawrence is one of the doctors involved with the diagnosis of Kramer's cancer. Lawrence awakes in a rundown, abandoned room shackled to a long rusty pole. After searching for a way to escape he come across a tape recorder and a tape created by Kramer that states, "Everyday of your working life you have given people the news that they're gonna die soon. Now you will be the cause of death." The reason behind Lawrence’s position is because it is later found out that he is having an affair with one of his medical student. When John tells Dr. Lawrence that he will be the cause of death, he is talking about the lives of Dr. Lawrence’s wife and daughter. The two are held at gunpoint in the home by another victim of Kramer's game. In order for Dr. Lawrence to escape and save his family, he must cut his foot off. Eventually, Dr. Lawrence is able to escape and save his family. After his escape, Dr. Lawrence not only gains a better appreciation for his life, but also for his wife and daughter. While this "game" is seen as morbid and morally wrong and possibly the cause some type of psychological problem like PTSD to Dr.

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