Deviant Characters In The Tell Tale Heart

1374 Words3 Pages

Kunj Patel
Rutgers University-Newark
English Composition 102
Professor Rosetti
March 24, 2014
Defining Deviant Characters: “The Tell- Tale Heart”, “The Pedestrian”, and “A Rose for Emily”
Deviant characters and people exist in both stories and the real world. Being deviant is just being different and going against the norms of society. Most stories are created by the use of a deviant character. The main character is usual different and stands out in society. These deviant characters consist of characteristics that fall into two groups. They have concepts and details. Concepts are the motivation behind the character and the details are their actions preformed to identify these motivations. In “The Tell- Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe, “The Pedestrian” by Ray Bradbury, and “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner the authors all used at least one deviant character to compose their story. In “The Tell-Tale Heart”, Poe creates a character that is out to do whatever he wants even if it causes harm to others. In “The Pedestrian”, Bradbury creates a character that goes against the rules set by authority and thinks that he can do whatever he wants. In “A Rose for Emily”, Faulkner creates a character that does not follow any rules just to get what she wants. All of these characters personalities go against norms. Based on the readings deviance can be defined as a person that goes against the norms of society.
By examining the behaviors of certain characters, it is clear that deviant characters often rebel against authority. In “The Pedestrian”, the main character Mr. Leonard Mead loved going outside at night when he would be the only one there. In the story the government did not let people leave their homes. They only let them stay indo...

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...ll, deviant characters go against the norms of society and do whatever they want. Through the characters created by Edgar Allan Poe, Ray Bradbury, and William Faulkner the reader can deduce that deviant characters have actions and behaviors that are opposite compared to the majority of society. Rebelling against authority, putting ones self interest above the rest, and being controlling are all concepts of deviant behaviors. The details provided in the stories and lives of the characters helps show the reader that deviant characters are people that go against the norms of society. When these characters killed, lied, did not follow the rules and other actions than most people would not do, the reader could infer that a deviant character is a person that is different and has actions that are considered weird and wrong because the majority of society does not do them.

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