Developmental Milestones

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As parents we need to remember that all children develop at different paces. “The ways your child plays, learns, speaks, and acts offers important signs about how your child is developmenting” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, M, 2014). “Developmental milestones are skills that most children can do by a pacific age” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, M, 2014). Researching the developmental milestones is a great way for parents to stay on track on what their child should be doing at the age they are now. This is also a great way to find out if your child needs extra help with reaching these milestones. If you are lucky enough to have a Child Developmental Services in your area use them they are a great resource for …show more content…

“Theories of development are much more specific than models “(Goldman, 2014). “A theory of development deals with change over time and is usually concerned with three things, the first is define changes over time within an area or numerous areas of development, the second is it should describe the changes between areas of development and finally the third is that it should explain what these changes are” (Goldman, 2014). “These milestones are put into groups, these groups are: gross motor, babies use a large groups of muscles to sit, stand, walk, run, keeping their balance, and for changing positions” (Kyla Boyse, 2013). “Fine motor, she uses her hands to eat, draw, dress, play and write” (Kyla Boyse, 2013). “Next we come to language, talking using body language and gestures, interacting, and understanding what others around him say” (Kyla Boyse, 2013). “Finally we come to cognitive, thinking skills start to emerge this includes, learning, understanding, problem solving, remembering and reasoning” (Kyla Boyse, 2013). If you are like me and …show more content…

(2014). The BabyCenter Editorial Team. Retrieved from babycenter:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (M, 2014, March 27). Important Milestones: Your Baby at Two Months. Retrieved from CDC:
Child Development Institute, LLC. (n.d.). Normal Stages of Human Development (Birth to 5 Years). Retrieved from Child Development Institute:
Goldman, J. A. (2014, April 30). Retrieved from :
Kyla Boyse, R. M. ( 2013, August ). Developmental Milestones. Retrieved from

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