Desensitization To Media Violence: Links With Habitual Media Violence By Barbara Krahe

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In the article; “Desensitization to Media Violence: Links with Habitual Media Violence Exposure, Aggressive Cognitions, and Aggressive Behavior” by Barbara Krahe is about a study that has been conducted to find the links between violent media and showing constant violent media. The hypothesis in this study is according to Krahe (2010) ; “The hypothesis that media violence increases aggressive behavior” (p.630) The hypothesis in this study is that Media violence does increase aggressive behavior. They conduct several studies to prove the hypothesis. The first study was conducted was an online questionnaire. There were 625 participants from the University of Postdam Germany that participated in the online questionnaire. The first part of the questionnaire was habitual media violence exposure. “Participants were provided with genre lists for movies and electronic games. For each item on the two lists, they were asked to indicate how frequently they used the respective genre on a 5-point scale ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (very often)… A sample of 21 undergraduate students (5 women an...

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