Descriptive Writing About Candy

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The Candy Lover There was once a ten year old boy named Billy. He simply loved candy. Chocolate bars, liquorice, peppermints, mints, candy canes, sour candies, taffy, jelly beans, caramels, rock candy, lollipops, cotton candy, gummy candy, dark chocolate, white chocolate. Any candy you could think of and he liked it… and had it. Stored away from his parents eyes of course. He would hide it in his shoes, tape it on top of his ceiling fan. Put it his piggy bank, hide them in his folded clothes. Tape pieces to the underside of the desk. Any where his parents wouldn’t see it. His parents did not approve of candy. They believed it would rot out all of his teeth and make their one and only son dumber than dumb. If they had found out he was eating …show more content…

He got off, parked, and locked up his bike on the closest pole. Cautiously, he picked up the cash and entered the shabby looking store. When he had gone through the door his jaw dropped. Completely forgetting about the ten dollar bill he walked slowly down each aisle. Each aisle had piles among piles of candy of such a big variety. There were all his favorites and usual types of candy. But there was also candy from what seemed all the countries in the world. He walked along each aisle marveling at the amount of candy when he, accidently, ran into an old man who looked to be about …show more content…

Deciding where to go he went to the aisle that had a sign overhead saying, “Came from the Unknown.” Down it there were candies with hair, slime, skin, and even something that looked so much like blood it was sickening to look at. Billy settled on what looked like a bunch of little gummy people. When he got home he shoved the bag of candy in his backpack to hide from parents and went straight to his room. Making sure that his parents were occupied, he took out the bag of candy and opened it. WOOSH! A burst of cold air came out of the bag and it was so strong that it knocked Billy to the floor, the candy spilling everywhere. Dazed he started to pick them up. Taking a closer look at one he thought that it looked exactly like his friend from school. In fact, he looked around for a moment, then… There! It was one that looked exactly like his mom. In the end he counted the amount of gummy people and there was five hundred the same population in his town. He found the one that looked like him and when he picked it straight up fast, he went flying up as well. Getting back up he very carefully put it somewhere safe. He suspected that it was a voo-doo sort of

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