Descriptive Essay: The Dog In The Yukon

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Alongside my owner I trot the trails of the bone-chilling Yukon. My paws press softly into the snow creating a trail as I tramp through the snow blanket draped over the ground. My fur coat is much thicker than my owners; therefore, I cannot imagine how frigid he might be. I believe the man underestimated how severe the weather was going to be. My owners tone in voice changes and he shoves me forward shouting at me to advance forward. Unsure of what he is attempting to force me perform, I halt and take a moment to ponder. After continuous shrieking I decide to trot forward. The ground begins to have a glossy and shiny coating and in one step I plunge into the icy water. Luckily, I could easily escape only getting the bottom half of my legs …show more content…

I do not quite grasp why my paws are inside of his mouth, but it makes them warmer. I long for my owner to build a fire because I love the warmth of a fire. Fortunately, he builds a fire after he realizes how frigid his fingers currently are. I reluctantly leave the fire after being yelled at countless times. Why is my owner so angry all the time?
My companion and I set off again into the bone-chilling trails of the Yukon. During our journey the man steps on a soft and unbroken patch in the snow, showing no signs of water underneath. But this time, it was his turn to plunge in the icy water, but he wets himself halfway up the knee. He shrieks unhappy about breaking through the soft and unbroken snow. He starts to build another fire. I am ecstatic for another fire, but unhappy that the man is even more irritated than before. Unfortunately, the lovely fire goes out due to a bundle of snow crashing onto the orange flames. Frantically, my companion begins waving and clapping his hands like a maniac. Oh how cold the man might be. I am bitterly cold with my large fur coat. All the man has is a wimpy jacket and bed-time slippers. Desperately the man is attempting to rekindle the fire. The

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