Descriptive Essay: The Crape Myrtle Tree

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The heat of the sun blazes through the multi-stemmed crape myrtle tree while it stands on moist soil. The surface is slightly uneven and bumpy from the roots of the tree. Soft blades of short grass scatter between the soil with weeds and the petite, fragrant flowers. The sunlight beams each narrow turf, bathing it with heat. Lush, green grass gleams in the light, showing different hues of yellow and green. At the edge of the surface, a mound of red dirt formed by ants. Small pebble like shapes of dirt form on top of one another. Black ants quickly move in and out of the mound. The sky is pale blue. White, fluffy sunlit clouds float against the clear sky. The crape myrtle tree sways gently in the breeze while sweet aromas fill the crisp air.

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