Descriptive Essay: Six Essential Camping Safety Tips

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6 Essential Camping Safety TipsCamping Tips

Great tips for your next camping vacation!Skip to content← Camping Offers Many Health Benefits For the Entire FamilyDon’t Let Camping Cramp Your Style – Stress-Free Camping Tips →Posted onSeptember 2, 2010by

Summer is the perfect time to pack a sleeping bag, pitch a tent, and thrust yourself into the great outdoors. But the great outdoors is often a lot more dangerous than the great indoors. Here are some tips to follow to ensure that you have a safe, happy, and healthy camping trip.Wear bug repellentNot only will you avoid the annoyance of slapping mosquitoes, but you will also avoid possible allergic reactions that may come with bug bites. Some insects (ticks, for example) can also cause various illnesses, such as Lyme disease.

For other uses see Toilet (disambiguation).Toilet with elevated cistern and chain attached to lever of discharge valve.Flush toilet.Early 20th Century outhouse preserved at a ghost town in the Arizona Desert United States.A urinal in a public toilet found in Melbourne Victoria Australia.

A toilet is a plumbing fixture primarily intended for the disposal of human excreta: urine and fecal matter. Additionally …show more content…

Make sure you also store your food in a safe and secured area. Never keep your food in your tent; animals will see it as an invitation.Bring a first aid kitAssemble a basic first aid kit with bandages, aloe for sunburns, antibacterial spray or antiseptic wipes, Aspirin, and any other items you might consider important. You don't want a small cut to turn into a full-blown infection, so be prepared and have some supplies ready.Don't get firedBe very careful when you build a campfire. Always surround your fire with rocks, never leave your fire unattended, and make sure you have a bucket of water or sand nearby in case you need to extinguish it. Lastly, ensure that your fire is fully extinguished when you have finished using

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