Descriptive Essay On My First Deer

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Waking up at 4:30 a.m. is not every young man 's idea of spending a Saturday morning.
Saturdays were always different in my family. My grandfather and I would wake up early and enjoy a great homemade breakfast that my grandmother made. We would spend an hour getting ready, preparing our rifles, and masking ourselves with the scent of doe urine. This was our tradition, and we stuck to it, but one Saturday holds a special place in my heart.
My grandpa and I decided that this was my morning to kill my first deer. Every man in my family had shared his experiences about killing that traditional first deer throughout the years. I wanted to have my own story, and I knew this Saturday morning was my opportunity to gain that story. Apart …show more content…

If I got carried away digging through my bag and being to noisy, he would quietly grunt, and I knew I better stay quite. I am so glad he paid attention that morning. If it wasn 't for him, I would not have had the opportunity to kill my first deer, and it was memorable.
As I was leaned up against the tree, my grandpa tapped me on my shoulder and said "
You hear that?". As a matter of fact, I did! I heard that distinct sound of a deer walking toward us. My heart started racing, and I could feel my breathing getting heavier and heavier. It felt like I waited ten years for the deer to reach to the top of the ridge. Finally, it hopped right over looking for food. The deer was, to me, huge!
As the deer approached us, I reached for my 16 gauge shotgun that was loaded with a gut busting, muscle ripping piece of lead called a slug. This was gift to me when I was a child and just added to the importance of this first kill. I put the gun to my shoulder and pulled it close in to my shoulder just as Grandpa had showed me. Then I realized, I had no hearing protection. I said, " Pa! Cover my ears, I 'm afraid it will be loud!"
He said, "Damn it boy,

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