Descriptive Essay About Skiing

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Skiing is something that is usually thought to be done on water from where I live now. The skiing I did when I lived in the middle of the Appalachian Mountains was done on water as well. The only thing about water in the middle of January in West Virginia is that it is usually frozen and falling from the sky. The kind of skiing I did was not on a flat plane or boat powered. It was usually on a very steep slope and gravity powered.
The thing about snow skiing is that some days can be better than others. Some days you can have nothing but ice, others you can have slush, but the kind of day that every skier hopes for is something that we call a powder day. A powder day is when the snow comes down like flour. This kind of snow makes a curtain of white in front of you as you cut down the mountain and makes you feel as if you are skiing in slow motion. The thing about powder days is that in the very wet winters of West Virginia, powdery snow is usually hard to come by. …show more content…

I had heard the weather was calling for dry powdery snow in large quantities. Knowing that I had never experienced a powder day to that point, I was skeptical about the predicted weather. My doubts however were put down as we woke up the next day to see over a foot of new powdery snow fall. As we hit the slopes I noticed instantly that the powdery surface was new to me. You couldn’t cut as sharp and the skis didn’t bite until they hit the packed snow that was a foot below. As you skied you had to concentrate more on your foot placement so that you wouldn’t cross your skis, you also had to lift the back of your skis to make the edge press down further into the powdery surface. Being exhausted on my first run and trying to get used to the new surface, I did not know if I liked the type of snow everyone talked

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