Descriptive Essay: A Small Town Of Westfield

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Nestled deep within the Berkshire Mountains rests the small town of Westfield, Massachusetts. Every morning, a light, tepid fog settles among the quiet streets, devising a peaceful and calm atmosphere. Light winds gently brisk through the many oak trees, swaying the branches back and forth. From afar, the tall mountains border the limits of Westfield, forming a panorama of natural landscape. Fortunately, I was able to call the town of Westfield my home for many years. However, the town serves as more than a source of scenery. Westfield, Massachusetts, has profound personal importance as it portrays the majority of my lifetime. In fact, residing in Westfield has positively impacted my life as a result of the particular climate, historic motif, and community entrenched within the town. Perhaps the vast array of seasons and weather patterns hold the town to a unique appeal. In the fall, the crisp and cool breeze wafts through the fallen leaves, blanketing the lawns and streets in a warm, orange hue. In the winter, icy gusts chill the terrain, followed by the gentle fall of snowflakes. With time, the town is coated in …show more content…

In the distance, the faint roar of train whistles can be heard, followed by the gentle hum of a car engine as it passes by. In their original configuration, small buildings and shops outline the narrow streets, encircled by an array of hickory and oak trees. Just below the horizon, rolling, grassy hills guide the boundary for evergreen bushes and plants. The soothing breeze hints the scent of burnt firewood and pine, followed by the calming vibration of an airplane overpass. From an isometric perspective, the narrow streets lead to a tall colonial tower, which features a grand, Roman clock. For centuries, the population of Westfield has preserved the town with a primitive theme, showcasing the historic roots and glory of early American

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