Depression In Catcher In The Rye

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Once Holden decides he is leaving Pencey, he started displaying early symptoms of depression. According to Mental Health America, teens may display signs of depression through participating in substance abuse, lack of sleep, withdrawing from people and missing school. In chapter 20 Holden drowns himself in booze after his naive confrontation with Carl Luce. “Boy, I sat at that goddamn bar till around one o’clock or so, getting drunk as a bastard,” (Salinger 150). Caulfield spends most nights getting drunk or smoking cigarettes. Initially, Holden repeals his relationships from Pencey Prep. “All of a sudden, I decided what I’d really do, I’d get the hell out of Pencey...It made me too sad and lonesome,” (Salinger 51). Evacuating his school was

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