Depression And Social Support Chapter Summary

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CHAPTER V This chapter will represent the key points of the study in the form of summary along with discussion for explanation. The correlation between depression, loneliness and social support will be discussed by keeping in view the important points. Furthermore this chapter will also explores the implications of the study to different areas of social work practices, research and policy development. SUMMARY OF THE STUDY Psychologists and other medical experts characterize depression as a mental issue portrayed by depressed mood, loss of inspiration, lack of physical vitality, powerlessness to feel delight, bothered rest, feelings of misery, vulnerability and uselessness, lastly poor focus. To be sure, depression altogether lessens a man's …show more content…

The number of inhabitants in elderly individuals is expanding regular; this makes genuine worries for their physical and mental wellbeing. Elderly individuals, particularly elderly women, have such a significant number of difficulties. Much of the time, elderly women live alone and disengaged from their families and groups. It is apparent that elderly individual’s particularly elderly women lose more social interfaces in their elderly lives and seniority. Elderly women's social associations rely upon their social statuses, community conventions, religions, convictions, family frameworks, family foundations, financial statuses, and locales. In Muslim countries, mothers, particularly old mothers, are a piece of their families. Be that as it may, in Europe and America or different …show more content…

The number of inhabitants in elderly women with abnormal state of depression is relentlessly developing and there is a requirement for social workers to concentrate on this high-chance populace. Initially, social workers must distinguish what depression, loneliness and social support is and how they can address these issues on social stages. Furthermore they also need to address the problems caused by the depression, loneliness and lack of social support for elderly women. As there are many reasons of depression in elderly women of America so it is difficult for the social worker to get a direction for their work. This study provides a guideline to social work for understanding the reasons of depression and also provides them a particular way to use their energies for solving the issues of elderly women in America. Furthermore this study also supports the social workers to understand the importance of social support for elderly population of women in United States along with their root causes. That is why this study helps the social workers to uproot the problem of depression, loneliness and lack of social support in an effective way and in short period of

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