Depo Shot Research Paper

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The Depo Provera Shot. What is it exactly? It is a female contraceptive form of birth control this shot is made up of a similar hormone as progesterone. It is injected in either the buttocks. Each shot works up to 12-14 weeks, but in order for it to work properly you have to get it redone every 12 weeks. What it does is it suppresses ovulation, keeping your ovaries from releasing an egg. It also thickens cervical mucus from reaching the eggs. Studies show that this drug is just as effective as having your tubes tied, which in other words is 99% effective. Did you know that the Depo shot dates back to the 1960’s? The average failure rate in the depo shot is at least 0.3%. The shot measured in the clinical trials as being no longer than 14 to 15 weeks effective. At the same time a place called Upjohn submitted a New Drug Application for approval of the Depo-Provera. But because of the guidelines passed in 1967 it is unclear how the application could be considered if they were not given the …show more content…

It may even increase or decrease in the flow, or even not even flow at all. Studies show that almost 50% of women have no bleeding at all. Period absence is in no way harmful to women, it will return to normal when the shot is stopped. It is ok to stop this shot whenever you want. There is also another side effect to this drug you can either lose weight or gain it, there is no set information that this drug has that effect on everyone. There can even be headaches, nervousness, depression, dizziness, acne, changes in appetite, unwanted facial and body hair, hair loss, and even loss of bone mineral density. Another side effect that people don’t really know about is that 4 out of 5 women could get breast cancer from using this shot. And after you stop taking it, it can be hard to get pregnant afterwards. Be sure to talk to your physician before you stop taking this birth

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