Depiction Of 'Hunters In The Movie Bambi'

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We have all grown up loving the famous Disney movie “Bambi”. The movie portrays hunters as villainous characters who disjoin fawns from their mothers. One of the most heart wrenching scenes in the movie puts the image of hunters being brutal, insensitive people in children's minds (Walt Disney). When untrue information is taught to children they grow up applying that to the natural world and that can cause a dispute.

In reality, Bambi would never have been as young as he was in the movie during hunting season. The hunting season is timed perfectly with the breeding season in the fall, not the birthing season in the spring to ensure no fawn will be injured by hunters. Therefore, the fawn born in the spring will be fully grown. Animals are never at risk of being over harvested based on data gathered from the number of kills the prior year. Each animal killed is carefully marked and reported to ensure that population …show more content…

They think it is a cruel, painful, unnecessary act. They stated that "nature balances itself out" meaning hunters are not a necessary part of population control ("Hunting"). That information is not entirely true, humans have invaded the homes of many animals causing the natural predators to move away resulting in a large increase in populations.

Not to mention that all food webs need a predator along with the consumers, producers and decomposers. Each play a very important role in balancing the environment out and hunters that are very important predator in our environment. Without them, deer would be so overpopulated they would be destroying your yards and gardens on a desperate search for food. Deer feed on plants that are low to the ground. The higher their numbers soar the harder it is for them to find food within their reach and end up starving to death. Starving to death is not the only problem deer have to

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