Dependence On Technology: The Role Of Technology To Support Our Lives

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With an extremely large growth in technology, Some people think that we are using technology to support our own lives. From what I 've researched and read, people are becoming overly dependent on technology. It 's not hard to realize the role of technology in our homes and lives. Children are no longer being children most don 't know the feeling of going outside and playing hide and seek.

wives no longer have to wash dishes because a machine is doing It for them. Machines that have made their lives easier, But too dependent on it. Most workplaces are run off technology. People that are sitting five feet from each other are e-mailing or texting each other or sending each other important documents so that they don 't have to get up off of …show more content…

there is no need for waiters any more. Many of people would argue and say that it is not true, but as we are becoming overwhelmingly dependent on technology we are not applying our own ideas to what we are performing. Many may disagree with the fact that computers are not bad for us and that it help us in many aspects of our lives which is truth; but they don’t see the consequences of it. Technology without doubt is a “useful tool” that we as humans use every day since it has been invented. Technology in most cases makes our lives easier and it helps us as humans to record and organize the information that we need in a logical …show more content…

Yes, technology makes our lives easier and quicker, but this needs to be limited. We should live our lives technology because we want to, not because we have to. have you ever noticed that since the making of the computer, people have become more and more secluded. we have become so dependent on this black colored box. Yes, I admit that the computer is very helpful, but it has come to the point that we rely too much on it.

Even the simple task of adding requires the use of a calculator by most people. Computers should be used to the point where they get the job done, not to the point where they provide the major, if not the only, form of entertainment. Most Americans seemed to have lost the curiosity to go explore the world. In conclusion, yes technology helps us however that is not always true. Despite a wide range of benefits, from modern technology, we can 't ignore the bad points it brings.
Using modern devices for everything makes people lazier and more passive in life. It causes the creativity of a human beings to decrease which is very dangerous for mankind 's future. In conclusion, it is clear that we are too dependent on modern technology today. So people should rethink the usage amount they use now otherwise technology would replace the position of a human beings and it will control the

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