Demonstrate inclusion

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Teachers must work effectively with parents to support the children within their class. ‘Young children achieve more and are happier when early years educators work together with parents’ (Whalley, 1997, p.ix). Practitioners and parents and carers working together, will help boost children’s self esteem. Parents have expert knowledge of their child, therefore, communicating well with their childs teacher will help to ensure that the child’s needs are met (Myles, 1997, p.63 in Whalley). Parents can be very beneficial, when working with teachers, to explain childrens behaviours. (Knowles and Lander p.236) For efficient assessment in the classroom parents, teachers and pupils all need to work together (EADSNE, 2012, p.7). On placement the support of parents was recognizable. Attending a parents evening, it was clear that the children’s parents who were interested in their children’s learning, were those of children making greater progress. Those parents that did not show interest or attend were those of the children achieving lower than their expected levels. The parents encouraged and supported their reading and writing skills in the home.
Inclusive education is an approach for all learners, not only those with additional needs (EADSNE, 2012, p.12). Every child’s needs in the class must be met. In 1991 students with disabilities were required by law to go back into mainstream schools, trying to make them socially included. Research undertaken by Thomas and Loxley has shown ‘a depressing reading for those who are committed to the idea of inclusion, for it implies that every few people at the chalk-face seem to be won over by arguments being put for it’ (Thomas and Loxley, 2001, p.106). In particular teachers are not in favour of ...

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...lways be offered through mainstream education. Through supporting children that have needs and personalizing there learning in turn practitioners are benefitting all children. It is important to note that teacher do not feel that they have the skills to teach all children and are not always in favour of inclusion. In particular I have looked at children with diversity and emotional and social difficulties. Then there are many strategies that can be used to overcome their barriers to learning. With these put in place it is to ensure inclusive practice. This has influenced my pedagogy because I know that any extra support with benefit all and there is no separate knowledge base. I want to make sure all children are include so that no one is left behind or excluded. I know that giving all children the same is not benefitting them, but I need to every childs needs.

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