Demi Lovato Monologue

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Song: Skyscrapers - Demi Lovato. *** "Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!"I scream jumping up to see a guy in front of me. Jess rushes in. "Whats wron... why are you naked?" Jess says looking at me. Goodness I forgot. I place one hand over my breasts and the other over my vagina. "You do realize I've seen it already right?" The guy says looking at me like i was stupid when he was the stupid one for looking! What Jesus? He was the devil in flesh! Jess starts laughing. I want to melt into nothing like the wicked witch of the east or was it the west? Better I'd love to make the two of them melt for seeing me in this state. "Jess? Help?" I say embarrassed. I wasn't confident with my body, I always hid it behind baggy clothes so this is a nightmare for me. Plus he'd seen me, he's seen everything! Lord let the earth swallow me now. …show more content…

"I leave in 10 minutes with or without you" the guy says as he walks out. I collapse to the floor. "I'm sorry I forgot that he has an extra key to the room" Jess says. "How? Is that even allowed?" I say. "Nope but he stays here more than I do and you need to hurry, he never goes back on his word" Jess says. Placing some clothes on my bed. "I'm not going, not with the guy that saw me naked!" I say. "A guy just saw you naked what you need is a party to clear your mind" Jess says and dials a number on her phone. "Hey, can you please give my roommate a ride?"She asks. "Mhmmm... you're a gem!" She says and cuts the

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