Dehumanization Of Native American Mascots

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“It is a way of using another culture in a way that delights our imagination, while stripping that group of their identity.” This is how Author Lenore Keeshig-Tobias defines appropriation. Stripping the Native community of their identity is exactly what the use of these mascots is doing. The use of Native American mascots is racist, dehumanizing, degrading, and people “supporting” their teams has made it become dangerous for Native people.
The use of Native American mascots is racist. One false stereotype that is perpetuated by these mascots is — Native people were bloodthirsty killers. The main cause of the stereotypes are the caricatures. They can be seen as offensive, and should not be used unless honoring them. The Redskins are often the …show more content…

Did you know, Native Americans were imprisoned for practicing their religion, but non-natives were allowed to mock it by using sacred objects to mimic their culture? Along with many other objects, people appropriated the well known headdresses, traditionally referred to as war bonnets that were worn by those who earned them, by using them whenever and wherever they like. Using sacred symbols is not the only thing that is degrading. The tomahawk chop is an awful tradition people have started at sports games. This is suggesting skinning of Indians. When it comes to sports games, people think that it is rightful to play Indian for a night. Bigham Young University law professor and Indian law expert Michalyn Steele said, “You have, on one hand, people asking for an increase in human decency. On the other hand you have: Well, it’s a fun tradition and we enjoy it so how dare you criticize it.” It is also unbelievably dehumanizing to the Native community that there are no other races representing mascots mostly because the majority of mascots are animals. Animals that are, or have been, hunted. Native people were hunted too. Every part of a Native American human being was worth a different price. Even gender and age was a contender to pricing the bodies. By these standards, people are comparing human beings to animals, and that is not okay in the slightest

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