Dehumanization In Eliezer Wiesel's Night

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Dehumanization is to deprive of human qualities or attributes: divest of individually. What were some ways that Eliezer, his father, and his fellow Jews dehumanized? "Around five o'clock in the morning, we were expelled from the barrack. The Kapos were beating us again, but I no longer felt the pain." This shows how abominable the Nazis were testing them like if they meant nothing to the world. The Nazis had an abundance of practices to dehumanize the Jews with beatings, trying to mentally and physically put them down. On page 42 it says " I became A-7713. From then on, I had no other name." Made sure they didn’t have names and, recognized or remembered by anything but a number. That’s what they did to Eliezer and the rest of the Jews that …show more content…

We trembled in the cold." They had all their personal belongings taken away from them they were nothing. They were prisoners, for being hardly any different. Next, once prisoners lost their humanity, they treat each others as crudely as the Nazis treated them. You build so much anger you eventually need to take it out on someone or something. They were slaves and had no rights, not able to speak or ,move at certain times of the day. Nazis made sure they were suffering and wanted to die. Jews eventually would crush others to better themselves. Thousands of people died in Auschwitz and Birkenau daily. Therefore, this really effected Elie's father because of the way he is treated by other people. For example, Elie didn’t give Franek his tooth so he beat Elie's dad until he caved into Franek's request. Elie notices that Franek is changing into someone else when he says "Franek burst into a savage laughter" also when Franek says " And because you made me wait, it will cost you a ration of bread" over something so little. This shows dehumanization because Franek is willing to assassinate someone to get what he wants. Also, its not just him its most of the Jews in the concentration camps. In conclusion, these were some of the ways Eliezer, his father, and his fellow Jews dehumanized and being mentally and physically broken

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