Deforestation In The Amazon

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People around the world are becoming more and more alarmed at the speed forests are being cut down. Deforestation happens for a number of reasons, one of them is to create space for new businesses such as farming. Another one is logging. Logging can be either done selectively or cutting out the whole forest/area (clear-cutting). The purpose of logging is usually to sell timber from which a number of things can be made such as furniture. The third reasoning of deforestation is the market failure. These will be discussed in more detail in the next stages of this essay.
Even though deforestation is a huge issue, the Brazilian government took some action which resulted in achieving the lowest rate of forest cuts in 2009 - 7,008 square were cut in the Amazon. This is a huge difference in contrast to the numbers of square km's cut in 2004 which reached 27,423 (Open University, 2015). Although the decrease is undoubtedly noticeable, this does not mean the problem of deforestation is solved worldwide. According to the Open University 2015, Cerrado, the Brazilian Savanna which covers around 500 million acres of the country, exceeds 20,000km2 in deforestation. This huge difference between the Amazon and Cerrado highlights the already existing problem. Yearly, almost 13 million hectares of forests are cut. This unimaginably scary amount of loss creates …show more content…

With the majority of the world’s animals living in the forests, many of them could potentially face the loss of their home and even become extinct. This is would indeed be a huge loss to the world as many of these animals bring good to the world, for instance, they pollinate and fertilise plants. With logging taking place, many forest species are put at a huge risk. Without a doubt, commercial logging which takes place without consideration for the planet will eventually have a terrifying effect if no changes will take

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