Definition Of Being Ordinary Essay

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There are over seven billion people on Earth and at every point in every life, they are considered either extraordinary or ordinary. The differences between these two seemingly antonymic words are actually quite complex. The word extraordinary literally means beyond the ordinary. It conveys a sense of overwhelming superiority in someone or something over everything else around it. It has been utilized in English for hundreds of years as a term filled with awe and wonder that could only be bestowed upon the best of the best. However, the history of extraordinary by no means conveys its true relationship with the word ordinary. Simply put, extraordinary is relative to the current definition of ordinary. 400 years ago it would have been extraordinary if an average person could …show more content…

It is used interchangeably with commonplace and usual and normal and typical and humdrum. Does this mean that being ordinary makes one humdrum? Being ordinary can be boring or exciting. It is again based on the point of view. If you can run a 5K faster than some people and slower than some others, you are an ordinary 5K runner but completing 5K can still be exciting. In the world of today, ordinary stereotypically entails that a person has little to no college education, a prosaic dead-end job, and a somewhat monotonous existence. However, the meaning is a bit more encompassing. Ordinariness is found in every single human being that has walked on the face of Earth, for God does give with both hands. Even Jim Thorpe, one of the best athletes in history, was an alcoholic who was terrible with money. The plumber who fixes your sink twice a year might be the best shuffleboard player in the county, but at the end of the day, he is still a plumber. The alcoholics and plumbers of the world can relate to the rest of mankind because tens of millions share their situation unlike the tens of ones that share Jim Thorpe’s

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