Definition Essay: What Is Trust?

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What is Trust? In English today, many words are interpreted and defined in several ways. The word “trust” often receives creative interpretations created by the people in society.Trust displays one of the most vital fundamentals seen in any relationship, whether it be a friendship, a business relationship, family, or a marriage. While the definition of trust according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is specified as the “assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something”, trust is recognized as “the ability to believe someone to be truthful” according to the Cambridge Dictionary. The definition of trust includes the action of putting faith in someone or something’s character to remain honest. Trust is not simply understood by the vast majority of the population; it goes into a deeper sense as humans grow, live, and experience obstacles throughout their lifetime. With trust comes two main aspects trailing behind it which includes the ability to have confidence in someone else and the knowledge that someone will show honesty and tell you (no 2nd pov) the truth without keeping secrets or bending it for their benefit. Trust remains a part of one’s everyday life; it strengthens are one grows and learns more about life and their experiences. The first main characteristic behind trust involves the capability to show confidence in someone else. This means that one must be able to …show more content…

It helps form any type of relationship; however, it also has the potential to tear a relationship apart. Trust is a fragile element in our lives, it exhibits the power to create strong relationships, but it also can destroy a relationship if it’s underestimated. Trust portrays a strong force one must play by the rules because once trust is lost, the ability to restore the lost trust becomes almost

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