Definition Essay: What Is The American Dream?

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The American Dream is a subjective phrase. Some believe that the “American Dream” is true and others think otherwise. Here’s how: the noun American Dream traditionally means the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. But today in society, specifically in African american culture, it is projected to mean that an individual has every necessity there is to have in life; they have fancy cars, houses, clothes, etc.
To reach the American Dream, the three factors must be mastered. Once you have mastered all three then maintaining the hard work put in becomes less demanding. In the Caucasian culture, they are typically born into being rich and …show more content…

When you are younger, your initiative tends to be stronger. You want to become successful and rich when you’re older so your determinations and actions are necessary. Once you reach the retirement age, all of your hard work, determination, and initiative is completely gone. Elders have less responsibilities and worries so most of their money goes to vacations and family bank accounts to continue a wealthy family of generations.
With the growing increase of prices on houses, cars, and daily needs to live, some jobs can not support these sources. While the american dream is an equal opportunity to for everyone to reach prosperity, you have to take into consideration of americans working minimum wage. Not everyone has certain equal rights due to stereotyping. Being a certain race, gender, or having a different religion might affect your pay of a job or the type of job you work, and having those obstacles make it difficult for people to reach prosperity and their necessary needs in life. So therefore, that saying of “equal opportunity” is also a subjective clause.
To conclude, the american dream has different meanings and viewpoints depending on society, age, gender, and race. Some view points of the american have higher standards while other consider their american dream as their high point of

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