Definition Essay On Friendship

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What is friendship? According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of friendship is the state of being friends (n.d). The meaning of friendship can vary from person to another. For instance, I am a very skeptical person. If I consider you as a friend, you are just important as my family. This day in time friendship is not the same. They often changes as we go in adulthood. Friendship is a unique type of relationship. Unlike family, we chose to be in a friendship. You can go months without speaking to a friend, however, we may want to but we can’t do the same for our children or family. As a child, friends were always available. You could go to a friend’s house without notice but now you have to call or text to see if they want to have dinner and catch up.
In adulthood, we learn intimacy which us define friendship. We are establishing are identity and finding friends with the same values as we have. At this stage, we do have more time for friends and we establish the longtime friendship. I have seen people that try to hold on to childhood friends but they don’t last to adulthood. If you are lucky, you may still have the childhood friend however, you may established the understanding of one’s identity. As we progress into adulthood, we change as a person. I believe this is what happens when a couple get married at a young age. …show more content…

We are disconnect and lost the intimacy we once had. I believe the busyness of one’s lives plays a factors too. As culture, we are way more active in our families than it has ever been. We are in the “I got to have it right now” era. We lose focus on what is important. However, we have to choose whether we spend time with our spouse or meeting a friend for lunch. This can cause problems with friends that do not have the same values as you do. One fact that is interesting is the largest drop off of friends occurs when they get married according to Beck (Beck,

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