Definition Essay: Courageous At Heart

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Courageous at Heart
Courage means many things to different people. Courage is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear. The opposite of courage is not fear. It’s not a courageous super hero like most people would imagine. Not the selfless courage of a daredevil or superhero. It’s the extraordinary courage that is demanded of us every day. It’s the people who keep on trying to fight through the difficult times. Courage is one of the characteristics that can set a person a part from the rest.
Courage is required in almost every basic human activity. When people pay attention, they will see courage every day. It’s needed when one feels weak, threatened, intimidated, or terrified. Also, when one is challenged and pulled to the limit, a person uses courage to meet the circumstance head on. For instance, being able to stand up for something to believe in, following a dream, asking for help in a class, and asking a crush out on a date are a few examples of everyday courage. …show more content…

The word courage comes from the French root cour or coueur, the Latin word for heart. Although the word had a very different definition than it does today, the original meaning for courage was to speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart. For instance, Martin Luther King chose to speak out for what he believed in. In speaking out in front of his adversities, he was fearless and dauntless. However, courage over time has become associated with super heroes flying in and disengaging the toxic gas bomb before destroying the human race. Like wise, movie characters are indispensable and always winning in the

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