Defining Indigenous Identity And The Indigeneity Of Indigenous People

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Indigenous identities are complex due to how to define indigeneity. While various peoples and governing bodies look for a way to fulfill the needs and desires of Indigenous People there is a central problem to understand. Identities are considered based on either blood quantity or cultural practices. Research uses both of these factors to create the “image” of indigeneity. Thus why it is complicated to define Indigenous identity based on one factor alone. This paper will focus on different views of defining Indigenous based on blood or culture, and the implications and complexity of this.
Characteristics given to Indigenous Peoples keeps them within a pre-colonization ideal, mind-set, and image. These images produced are romanticized and tend to have little modern amenities, traditional dress, traditional language, territory, balance with nature and a specific blood percentage or “pure”. Placing these characteristics of Indigenous People as …show more content…

It is constructed by who you spend time with, what you consider your culture rather than blood. It should be defined on the community values and the acceptance of both those which blood percentage and those who practice cultural. Indigenous communities and people accept to an extent their Indigenous identity. This acceptance of their identity comes with various advantages such as state benefits and a preservation of cultural practices and knowledge. Determining identity can be based on either a blood or cultural practice. The positives for accepting identity on cultural practice is, those who partake in cultural traditions are keeping knowledge of their past, present, and future alive. While those who believe in identity by blood tend to believe in the security of benefits, respecting identification and allowing equal access to government benefits. Yet, either way identification is based on creates problems for those Indigenous People as they are constantly marginalized by

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