Decubitus Ulcer Research Paper

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Decubitus ulcer is a kind of pressure sore that is caused by unrelieved body pressure to the body which causes the skin to breakdown. Some causes for pressure ulcer are sitting or lying in one position for longs periods of time without rotating of the body. Many elders that are living in nursing rooms develop these ulcers. There are four stages to decubitus ulcers. The fourth stage is the worst stage and is usually incurable; meanwhile, many that develop the fourth stage or pressure sore usually die. The damage to the skin which damages the muscle, bones and tendons is so extensive. When I worked in nursing homes I had a lot of total care patients, which were unable to turn themselves. I would turn them every two hours to prevent pressure sores. This topic is very touching to me because my grandmother died from decubitus ulcer. She was unable to turn herself the staff would not come change her …show more content…

Eczema can sometimes run in the family, which is lost common in infants. After around 36 months in infants this skin condition is cleared up. In adults eczema is chronic condition which causes chronic inflammation. Asthma can be a condition that is related to this skin condition. Treatments are mild soaps, topical creams and creams with steroids. Eucerin cream is a popular when treating Eczema, other treatments maybe special shampoo or corticosteroid cream. There are precautions people can take to decrease this condition: first being aware of food allergies like milk, peanuts and wool fabric according to the video. To assist with itching apply moisture cream to the body while damp; make sure to rub the cream in good. My GOD son use to itch like crazy when he was a baby, I would rub him down with eucerin cream. He would dig into his skin and black round circles would be left on his body but as he grew his skin got clearer and the eczema went

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