Deceptions And Deception In Shakespeare's King Lear

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In history, there have been many betrayals and deceptions that have taken place. Such as in the bible when Judas betrays Jesus Christ or when Saul disguised himself before the witch of Endor. There are many more cases in history where the use of disguise and betrayal are seen, which leads back to Shakespearian times. In the play King Lear by William Shakespeare disguises of certain characters through physical traits are seen in a more positive way. As it is interpreted that these characters must disguise themselves in order to do good. While he refines the audience’s way of thinking to a negative deception of others through greed and the hunger for power, which eventually leads to the deception of one’s self. Shakespeare presents the reader …show more content…

The first major betrayal seen is when Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia proclaim their love for their father when he asks them how much they love him. Their answers determine how much of Lear 's land they will be given. Goneril replies to Lear 's question with, “Sir, I love you more than word can wield the matter/ Dearer than eyesight, space, and liberty…” (I.i.56-57). It is almost as though this response is vacant and well prepared. It shows her true intentions, which is to please her father and gain power through her dishonesty. Similarly, her wicked sister Regan responds just as flatteringly. It is quickly seen that Goneril and Regan do not truly love their father as their rise in power comes from their betrayal of Lear. Goneril states, “then must we look to receive from his age/ not alone the imperfections of long-engraffed condition” (I.i.297-298). Here, Goneril and Regan are plotting against Lear, they know that he is impulsive and aging which could play to their advantage in taking his power and all his land. Ultimately, the betrayal of their father helps them gain power that Lear never even had and soon they become greedy, wanting everything they desire. Evidently, the sister 's betrayal is the greatest in the play as they take all the power from Lear and cause irreversible suffering of their father and others. As the play progresses …show more content…

reality, self deception, and that the urge for power can only lead one to dishonesty and greed. The play ultimately reveals that every betrayer causes their own downfall, and that good characters must disguise themselves in order to save others from destruction. Shakespeare 's use of disguise and deception in the play shows how unlike many other stories or plays, the use of these can reveal many unfamiliar situations and can cause change in

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